Our frames—shaping your success
Arched, radius, segmented... our team of craftspeople create stock and custom frames with precision and quality. We offer competitively priced welded frames welding options that can be delivered fully finished, or “cut-and-notch” assemblies that can easily be welded in your shop. Trust the Custom Metal Products team to deliver frames fabricated to perfection.
Standard and custom profiles
From 16 ga to 12 ga
Our quick-ship service will put the finished product in your hands faster, with fewer hassles to help you meet commitments and keep your operation running smoothly.
Browse our product data below and trust Custom Metal Products excellent craftsmanship and attentive service.
Questions? Contact your sales representative for a friendly consultation.
Click to view printable PDF of Construction Details
Standard Profile
Custom Profile
Pocket Door Welded Trim
Pocket Door Frame KD Trim Package
Pocket Door Frame with Sub Frame
Engineered Openings
Double Egress Frames
Lead Lined Frames
Corner Connections
Field Splice
Horizontal and Vertical Bracket
Hospital Stops